Recording Studio FAQ
Here are a few FAQ’s that will answer some of the myths and concerns about how a recording studio works.
How does recording studio work?
A DFW recording studio works by bringing all the industry tools you need to succeed under one roof. You will find the best equipment available to complete every aspect of pre and post song production. With the help of qualified and dedicated audio engineers, and producers, your music career has the potential to reach the next level.
Where is BeMelodic recording studio?
Our recording studio is located in Arlington Tx near Dallas and Fort Worth. If you want to know information on the specifics, you may contact BeMelodic directly here.
Where is the best recording studio in DFW?
BeMelodic is by far your #1 option for the best DFW recording studio. We take great pride in our ability to relate and work with a wide variety of musicians and artists.
Why are we the best recording studio for you?
Because we have top-tier equipment and microphones that provide quality music production, recording, mixing, mastering and audio engineering services. If you are a musician or artists who wants to break into the charts, then we are your best choice.
What kinds of recording do you offer?
Our studio recording sessions are taken in sequential tracks. We presently can record one musician (drums, guitar, bass, keys) at a time or a group of vocalists.
Can you mix or master a recording I already have?
Absolutely! We will mix and/or master your pre-recorded song for you at our phenomenally low prices.
What is recording studio time?
Studio recording time is the time spent inside a DFW recording studio rehearsing and delivering your song. As an artist, we know that you want to deliver an emotional performance each and every time you are in the booth. For this reason we make it easy and affordable for you to book private studio time.
What does a recording studio cost?
BeMelodic specializes in giving up and coming musicians and established artists the affordable studio time they need. Our low DFW recording studio rates start at as low as $50 per hour. At that rate, your recording time is virtually a no brainer. Come join us in our world class DFW recording studios to work on your next hit.
How much is recording studio time?
Studio time to record your music is either on a per song basis or by the hour. We will discuss with you options based on your song’s specific requirements.
Which recording studio do i need?
You need a comprehensive DFW recording studio that does more than just gives you studio time. You want to work with a company that can provide everything from A-Z. We will work with you from the conception of your song, all the way to professional mastering for all distribution platforms. Our reputation as a DFW recording studio is so well known because we take the time to deliver personalized service to each and every one of our clients.
What can a recording studio do?
A recording studio can help you as an artist or musician separate yourself from the competition. By upgrading your process to the level of a qualified DFW recording studio, your sound, quality, and image will appear professional. BeMelodic wants to help you share your natural talents with the world. Often times, all a talented artist needs is professional assistance to go from the bottom to the top overnight. Working together in our state-of-the-art DFW recording studio will help you record, mix, master, and engineer a hit record.
If I record with BeMelodic, are my copyrights protected?
We do not share any recorded material with anyone other than the artist who owns it. We respect copyright laws and the owners’ rights. You can read our DCMA Policy here.
What is a “contract-for-hire”?
This is a legal term which means that you are hiring me solely for the contract. No rights are given to your music. The only time rights may be assigned would be spelled out in a written and signed contract.
How to Send Song Files for Mixing?
Please read our article on How to Send Song Files for Mixing
From the recording stage to actually sending the files to us for mixing, there are some intial steps to take that will make mixing your song easier for both of us.
Can’t find your answers?
Contact us with your questions.
You can also book an appointment at our recording studio in Arlington now.